react-dj-table outputs a semantically correct, CSS agnostic HTML table. CSS Separation, provides flexiblity to style the tables with any valid table styles.
standard CSS example, see the second example in basics.
Utility type CSS frameworks, like Tailwind, add styles to HTML elements.
Tailwind example #
const options = {
tableCss: "table-fixed cursor-pointer w-full",
cellCss: "break-words border p-4 ",
theadCss: "bg-blue-500 text-gray-200 px-8 py-4",
selectable: true,
selectedRowCss: "bg-blue-100"
TODO add tailwind groups to child pager elements
Sematic UI React responsive example #
const options = {tableCss: "ui fixed red table"}
BootStrap responsive example #
const options = {tableCss: "table"}
see more... https://css-tricks.com/complete-guide-table-element/
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