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Custom Columns

CustomCustomisationColumnsCustom HTMLSVGIMAGES

Use custom colums to render images (including svg's), add background colours etc. All input is auto sanitised using dompurify.

Import any SVG's #

   import YourSvg from "./img.svg";

Custom Column options #

   const options = {
customCols: [
'<div style="min-height:4em"> <img style="height:3em" decoding="async" src=${Avatar}></img></div'
Department: `<span style="position:relative; top:-0.3em;"> <img src=${YourSvg} style="width:1.5em;height:1.5em; position:relative; top:0.4em;" /> Dept </span>`
  <Table json={json} options={options} />

The Tailwind example uses HeroIcons